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Red “Hot” apple continues to impress

Red “Hot” apple continues to impress

The first apple to be commercially released from the Hot Climate Programme (which includes NZ based companies T&G Global and Plant & Food Research), is receiving rave reviews from growers in Italy, France and the UK, after a series of evaluations in 2020. A...

T&G Global commercialises first climate-change resistant apple variety

T&G Global commercialises first climate-change resistant apple variety

The apple is the first to be launched from the Hot Climate Programme, a global pan-industry breeding programme, focused on the long-term sustainability of apple production in a changing climate. Peter Landon-Lane, T&G Global’s Director Innovation and Technical,...

Kiwi ingenuity pays off on Kerikeri mandarin orchards

Kiwi ingenuity pays off on Kerikeri mandarin orchards

Around 20 hectares of T&G Global’s mandarin orchards in Northland have transformed to a later season variety over the past two years through clever grafting and a dose of kiwi ingenuity.The team, who collected the graft wood from mature trees in 2018 and 2019,...

New partnerships bring bigger, tastier berries to market

New partnerships bring bigger, tastier berries to market

Consumers across the world may soon be experiencing tastier, fuller-sized blueberries year-round, thanks to two new partnerships in blueberries that will bring premium quality berries with superior genetics, in secured volumes, to customers across the world. T&G...

Waste-to-Energy plant announced by Minister Shane Jones

Waste-to-Energy plant announced by Minister Shane Jones

The country’s first large-scale, waste-to-energy plant was announced by Minister Shane Jones at T&G’s covered crops facility at Reporoa today. The proposed purpose-built facility will take food waste from the region (and from T&G’s tomato vines), turn it into...

Global apple & pear breeding programme heats up

Global apple & pear breeding programme heats up

New, superior tasting apples and pears that can thrive in the planet’s increasingly warm climate will soon be available to fruit growers worldwide. T&G Global (formerly Turners & Growers) has joined Plant & Food Research, the Institute of Agriculture and...

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