Tony Gibbs on his mandarin orchard in 2019
T&G Global is saddened by the death of former Chairman and long-standing Director, Tony Gibbs, who has passed away following a period of ill health.
Tony led T&G Global for 16 years from 1995 until 2011. Throughout his tenure, T&G grew from a domestic fruit and vegetable seller into a significant player in the international fresh produce industry, introducing new fruit varieties to the world, including Envy™ and JAZZ™ apples.
In 2011, Tony announced his intention to step down from the role of Chairman. His lifelong dedication and commitment to supplying fresh produce to communities saw him continue his relationship with T&G as a key supplier of mandarins from his orchard.
T&G Global CEO, Gareth Edgecombe, says the company is very grateful to Tony and his family for their passion, commitment and lifelong relationship.
“Under Tony’s leadership and strategic direction, T&G reshaped its business to focus on its core strength of fresh produce and expanded its global footprint. As a devoted mandarin orchardist at heart, Tony’s experience in the industry has been invaluable to our business, and our heartfelt condolences are with Val, his children, family and friends, throughout this difficult time.”