Food safety
We grow, harvest, package and sell delicious, fresh, high-quality produce that’s 100% safe to eat. Our consumers worldwide expect nothing less, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
That commitment to the highest standards of food safety, quality and assurance demands our diligence and focus. We continually monitor, and where necessary, improve our systems so they meet best practice standards for quality, legislative compliance and food safety.

Achieving benchmarking standards
Our produce meets (and exceeds) all external safety compliance standards. All of our apples are GLOBALG.A.P certified and our post-harvest packing operations are BRC certified.
In our T&G Fresh business, accreditations and legislative compliance include our Food Control Plans, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point, as well as Woolworths’ Vendor QA Programme.
We continue to ensure all growers and suppliers that T&G Fresh trades on behalf of, have recognised Food Safety certifications. Our T&G Fresh tomato, citrus and berry operations (which include growing and packing for both the New Zealand and export markets) has GLOBALG.A.P certification as well as GRASP, which assesses social practices on farm, such as worker health, safety and welfare.