Wolfgang Loose, chief financial officer will leave T&G Global in mid-November 2018.

T&G Global today announced it will farewell its chief financial officer, Wolfgang Loose and welcome a replacement over the coming weeks.

Wolfgang Loose will leave the business mid-November after nearly two years in his role.

He joined T&G from BayWa, a majority shareholder in T&G, in February 2017. Since this time, he has led the businesses finance division and been a valued member of the executive team.

T&G CEO Gareth Edgecombe says, “I would like to acknowledge Wolfgang’s service to the business and wishes him and his family all the very best for his future.”

Mr Edgecombe says he is pleased to also confirm that Mr Bastian von Streit will start as T&G’ new chief financial officer on 15 October 2018.

“Bastian is currently director of finance and accounting at Willy Bogner GmbH and Co. in Germany, a manufacturer and retailer of skiwear and sportswear. He previously worked for BayWa for six years as the head of group accounting and has also held a role with Deloitte in Germany as an audit manager. I look forward to welcoming him to our business and New Zealand next month.”

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